Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Alexandra Violin @ Gala Event 8 mai 2016

Daca va aflati in Spania pe 8 mai, veti avea ocazia sa ii vedeti pe Alexandra Violin si Cezar Oatu, la Gala Event, organizata de España Culinaire Eventos.

Puteti urmari acest eveniment pe FaceBook pentru a afla ultimele noutati in legatura cu acest concert, in descrierea caruia am gasit cateva cuvinte frumoase despre violonista noastra preferata:

Alexandra Violin a inceput sa studieze vioara la varsta de 7 ani. Datorita profesurului sau de muzica a dezvoltat o pasiune pentru acest instrument, care a devenit parte a sufletului sau si a vietii sale. A absolvit Universitatea de Muzica din Bucuresti si, inca din timpul liceului, a fondat cvartetul Amadeus. Grupul interpreta adaptari originale pentru vioara, astfel a luat nastere un nou trend muzical, si timp de 13 ani l-au raspandit in jurul lumii, prin concertele sustinute in Europa, Asia si Africa.
Cu o prezenta de peste 15 ani pe scena, Alexandra detine un vast repertoriu adaptabil diferitelor tipuri de evenimente precum: evenimente private, lansari de produse, petreceri (de interior sau exterior), campanii publicitare, nunti, baluri, etc.
In 2014 si-a inceput cariera solo sub numele de Alexandra Violin si in curand va lansa al doilea sau videoclip oficial din cariera - o adaptare originala de pe Vivaldi, Iarna (Winter). De asemenea, in 2014 a devenit Ambasador al Dinner In The Sky Romania, ceea ce ii permite sa sustina concerte la evenimente exclusiviste in lume, in timp ce este suspendata la peste 50 de metri deasupra pamantului.

Alexandra Violin - Iarna (Winter Vivaldi Remake)


If you are in in Spain on the 8th of May, you can catch Alexandra Violin and Cezar Oatu in concert, at Gala Event, organized by España Culinaire Eventos.

You can follow the event on FaceBook for all the latest news about the concert, in the description of the event there were a few words written about our favorite violinist:

Alexandra Violin started studying the violin when I was 7 years of age. Thanks to her music teacher, she grew a passion for the Violin which is now a part of her soul, a part of her life. She graduated from University of Music in Bucharest and while still in high school, she founded Amadeus. Performing original adaptations for violin, a new musical trend emerged and, for 13 years, they have successfully spread it around the world through concerts in Europe, Asia and Africa.

For over 15 years on stage, she now hold a vast repertoire tailored to different events such as: private events, product launch, parties (outdoors and indoors), advertisement campaigns, weddings, proms,etc.

In 2014 she started her solo career as Alexandra Violin and she will soon launch her second televised solo – an original adaptation of Vivaldi’s, Winter. Also in 2014, she became the Ambassador of Dinner In The Sky Romania which allowed her to perform at exclusive events in the world, while suspended 50 meters above the ground


Informatii despre Alexandra Violin gasiti pe urmatoarele pagini de socializare: 

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